IntuitED Help Clients Design and Implement Integrated Risk-Management Solutions and Bring a Risk-Reward Perpective to Strtegic Decision Making


Organizations of all kinds today face unprecedented levels and types of risk produced by a diversity of new sources. These include technological advances bringing cyber security threats; new platforms for sharing information (and misinformation), amplified and accelerated by social media; and an unpredictable geopolitical environment. Whether it’s a value-destroying crisis, a shift in industry dynamics, or a brand threat, uncertainty comes in many shapes, sizes, and impacts. Leaders who view uncertainty and risk more broadly than just compliance can anticipate challenges better, seize opportunities faster, and emerge from setbacks stronger.

To help our clients address these and other risks, Intuit ED takes a global, cross-sector, and cross-functional view. We apply deep technical expertise, extensive industry insights, and innovative analytical approaches to help organizations go beyond just managing risk to enhancing their resilience, creating value, and building risk skills and assets.

Intuit ED help organisations identify, quantify, and prioritise their most important risks as well as related returns. We do this using a combination of analytic modelling and stress testing, along with the use of non traditional data sources and the systematic integration of qualitative factors, including business-management judgment. To complement statistically validated approaches, we integrate forward thinking, especially in risk measurement and management reporting.

How We Help